
If you need to report a problem with the system or have questions about the service, you can contact the DCDial help desk.

Contact DCDial Help Desk

First, check the help documentation to see if your question has already been answered.

If not, please contact the help desk by sending an email to [email protected]. Please do not contact a DCDial support representative directly. When you send your issue to the help desk address, we can route your issue to the proper person.

If you are unable to browse the web or send an email, you can call the help desk at 888-640-2260. If your call is answered by voicemail, please leave a detailed message. Don't forget to include the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your phone number
  • Your company name
  • Your user level (admin, manager, agent, payment agent)
  • A detailed description of your problem


You can also contact the DCDial help desk via chat! The chat is accessible from both the admin portal and the DCDial website and connects you with one of our support team representatives immediately.

Click on the chat popup in the bottom right-hand corner, and type something to start a conversation. 

Submit Support Ticket

Step 1. Sign in to the DCDial admin portal and click 'Support' in the top menu.

Step 2. In the new window, that will pop up, in the right top corner you will see "Submit a ticket". Provide an incident title for your request, and then use the description box to provide any additional information about your request. Use the Attach File tool to attach related documentation to your request. Additionally, you may choose to include data about your current environment to help us better address your request.

Step 3. When done, click 'Submit'. You will receive the following confirmation message:

To prevent confusion and speed up our support agents' response time, please refrain from opening more than one ticket on the same topic.

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