Agent Queue Report

Agent Queue Report helps you to analyze agent performance on a queue-by-queue basis.

Report Highlights

The report highlights provide important insights based on your search criteria. 

  • Total Calls: The total number of calls.
  • Popular Queue: Queue that received the highest number of calls.
  • Popular Agent: Agent that handled the highest number of calls.
  • Max Termination: The most common reason for call termination.

Input Field

The following input fields are available to customize your report.

  • Click this icon to generate the report.
  • Click this icon to export the report in Excel, CSV or PDF format.

  • Queues: Search by queue.
  • Agents: Search by agent.
  • X-Axis: Select a value on which the X-axis will be based.
  • Y-Axis: Select a value on which the Y-axis will be based.
  • Group by: Select how to group your values.
  • Date Range: Click on the icon to select the desired date range. Click on 'Apply' to save the date range selected.

Agent Queue Results

  • Click on the icon to change the chart view.
  • Click on the icon to export the graph in PDF format.

  • Queue Stats:

    • Total Time: The total call time per queue.
    • Calls (%): The percent distribution of calls among queues.

  • Agent Stats:

    • Total Time: The total call time per agent.
    • Calls (%): The percent distribution of calls among agents.

  • Team Stats:

    • Total Time: The total call time per team.
    • Calls (%): The percent distribution of calls among teams.

  • Termination Reason:

    • Reason: The reason for call termination.
    • Total Calls: The total number of calls per termination reason.
    • Calls (%): The percent distribution of calls among reasons for termination.

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