DID Manager
Your DIDs (Direct Inward Dialing) are the phone numbers that you've purchased either from DCDial or another provider.
If you purchase the DIDs from DCDial, you can enable the call recording option, view calling metrics, route calls to various destinations, and enable SMS campaigns associated with the purchased numbers. All the DIDs that will be used need to be loaded to the DID manager first before they can be configured.
You can also manage the Regional Caller ID numbers under the DID manager. Regional Caller IDs are the local state numbers that appear on your customer's phone screen when you call them. To purchase numbers for your Regional Caller ID through DCDial, visit the Billing page.

- Destination
The DID destination where calls are routed. There are six possible destinations:
- External: Calls will be routed to the selected external number.
- Hangup: Calls will be automatically hung up.
- IVR: Calls will be routed to an interactive voice response (IVR) menu.
- Queue: Calls will be routed to the selected queue.
- User: Calls will be routed to an available agent who is logged in to the campaign.
- Voicemail: Calls will be routed to a voicemail box where the customer can leave a message.
- DID Provider
Indicates whether the DID was purchased from DCDial or another provider. There are two DID types:
- Customer DID: The DID was provided by the customer.
- Purchased DID: The DID was purchased from DCDial. DIDs can be purchased through the Billing page.
- Call Stats
To view call statistics, click on 'View' and you will be redirected to the Inbound DID Report page.
- The DID is SMS-enabled. Click on the icon to disable the DID for SMS Broadcast.
- The DID is not SMS-enabled. Click on the icon to enable the DID for SMS Broadcast.
Please Note: You may enable SMS communication only for toll-free DIDs provided by DCDial.
- Recording
- Recording of calls to the DID is active. Click on the icon to deactivate the call recording.
- Recording of calls to the DID is inactive. Click on the icon to activate the call recording.
Please Note: Recording of calls for Customer DIDs cannot be enabled.
- Actions
- Associations: Hover over the icon to view the active associations to the DID.
- Purchased DID: The DID was purchased from DCDial.
- Active: The DID is active. Click on the icon to deactivate the DID.
- Inactive: The DID is inactive. Click on the icon to activate the DID.
- View Activity Log: Click the icon to view a summary of events. Learn More About the Activity Log
- Modify: Click the icon to modify the DID. Learn More About Modifying DIDs
- Delete: Click the icon to delete a DID. A confirmation screen will appear to confirm the deletion.
Purchase DID
Purchasing a DID is a quick and simple process that you can complete directly from your admin account. The steps below guide you in purchasing one or more DIDs from DCDial. For purchased DIDs, you can enable two-way SMS, call recording, assign a DID destination, blocked list, and SMS automation rule. For DIDs provided by customers, these options are not available.
STEP 1. Click on the 'Purchase DID' button on the top right to purchase new DIDs from DCDial. You will be redirected to the Billing tab where you can purchase local or toll-free numbers.

STEP 2. Search the phone numbers by area code and select as many numbers as you need. When done, click on 'Purchase Number' to proceed to the checkout page.

Upload DIDs
If you need to upload multiple DIDs, you can use the 'Upload DIDs' option. Prior to the upload, you need to create or prepare a CSV or Excel format file. The file should include two columns: the DID Number and DID Description. Here is a sample file format:

STEP 1. Click on the 'Upload DIDs' button on the top right to upload new DIDs. The 'Update DIDs' window will pop up.

STEP 2. Click on the 'Choose File' button and browse the DID file you want to upload. After you select a file, click on 'Next' to continue.

You will receive an alert with a confirmation of how many DIDs have been successfully uploaded. If there are any invalid DIDs, the alert message will indicate it as well. Click on 'OK' to proceed and you will be redirected to the bulk change page.

STEP 3. Select the desired destination for the uploaded DIDs.
Bulk Change
You can update more than one DID at a time. If you need to modify large blocks of DIDs, you can use the Bulk Change option.
STEP 1. Click on the 'Bulk Change' button on the top right. The 'Update DID' window will pop up.

STEP 2. Select the desired 'Destination', 'Destination Option', 'Agent Unavailable Destination', and 'Unavailable Destination' options from the available options as needed and make necessary adjustments. Click on 'Submit' to continue. A preview of the DIDs, Destination, and Destination Options will appear. When done, click on ‘Submit’ to save your changes.

- Description
An editable description of the DID.
- Destination
The DID destination where calls are routed. There are six possible destinations:
- External: Calls will be routed to the selected external number.
- Hangup: Calls will be automatically hung up.
- IVR: Calls will be routed to an interactive voice response (IVR) menu.
- Queue: Calls will be routed to the selected queue.
- User: Calls will be routed to an available agent who is logged in to the campaign.
- Voicemail: Calls will be routed to a voicemail box where the customer can leave a message.
- Destination Options
The destination options vary depending on the destination you have selected.
Please Note: The Destination or Route for Customer DIDs should be configured internally or through your provider. Destination options for Customer DIDs are NOT available in DCDial.
Learn More About Destination Details
- Agent Unavailable Destination
After you choose the Agent as your Destination, you can select an alternative destination in case the agent is not available to respond to a call.
- Unavailable Destination Options
The 'Unavailable Destination Options' that you can choose from vary, depending on the Agent Unavailable Destination you selected.
- The DID is SMS-enabled. Click on the icon to disable the DID for SMS Broadcast.
- The DID is not SMS-enabled. Click on the icon to enable the DID for SMS Broadcast.
Please Note: You may enable SMS communication only for toll-free DIDs provided by DCDial.
- Recording
- Recording of calls to the DID is active. Click on the icon to deactivate the call recording.
- Recording of calls to the DID is inactive. Click on the icon to activate the call recording.
- Actions
- Hover over the icon to view the active associations to the DID.
- The DID is currently active. Click on the icon to change the status to inactive.
- The DID is currently inactive. Click on the icon to change the status to active.
- Copy To All
Tick a box if you want to copy the destination options and apply them to all DIDs on the list.
Create DID
If you need to add only a few DIDs, you can manually add one at a time.
Step 1. Click on the ‘Create DID’ button on the top right to create a new DID. Complete the required fields in the pop-up window and click ‘Create’ to proceed. You will see a confirmation once the DID has been created successfully and you will be redirected to the DID details page to complete the setup process.

- DID Number
Enter the phone number.
- DID Description
Enter a brief description.
Step 2. Configure the DID settings on the DID details page. When done, click on ‘Submit’ to save your changes.

- DID Destination
The DID destination where calls are routed to. Select the 'DID Destination' and fill out the 'Destination' details field(s) accordingly.
- DID Destination Details
Enter the details based on the DID destination selected:
- Agent: Calls will be routed to an available agent who is logged in to the campaign. After you choose the Agent as your Destination, you can select an alternative destination in case the agent is not available to respond to a call. Enter the 'Unavailable Destination' details as needed.
- External: Calls will be routed to the selected external number.
- Hangup: Calls will be automatically hung up.
- IVR: Calls will be routed to an interactive voice response (IVR) menu.
- Queues: Calls will be routed to the selected queue.
- Voicemail: Calls will be routed to a voicemail box where the customer can leave a message. Click on the icon to select the Voicemail Box to use.
- Blocked List
Select a blocked list that you would like to associate with the DID. Any calls made on the DID by a number from the blocked list will be rejected.
- Recording
Enable or disable the recording of calls to the DID by turning it ON or OFF.
Please Note: This feature is available only for DIDs provided by DCDial.
- Look Up List
When the customer dials this DID, the 'Look Up List' setting instructs the system where to look up the required contact information. If there is no match for the phone number, the lead information will not be visible in the agent interface.
- System Lists: the system can locate the customer's account in any existing list within the system.
- Specific List: the system can locate the customer's account in any manually pre-defined list within the system.
- Specific Campaign: the system can locate the customer's account in any campaign-specific list.
- Enable SMS
If you want to enable this DID for sending SMS, toggle the switch to ON.
Please Note: You may enable SMS communication only for toll-free DIDs provided by DCDial.
- Two-Way SMS
If the DID is enabled for sending text messages, you can activate the two-way SMS option. This option allows customers to reply to inbound text messages.
- SMS Automation Rule
Select the automation rule that will be triggered if the customer sends an SMS to this DID. The system will use the automation rule selected here to auto-reply to the customer.
- Associations
The Regional CIDs that use the DID.

Copy DID
The 'Copy DID' option allows you to copy the destination settings of another DID instead of creating a new DID from scratch.
STEP 1. Click on the 'Copy DID' button on the top right. Complete the required fields in the pop-up window and click on 'Create' to proceed. You will see a confirmation once the DID has been copied successfully and you will be redirected to the DID details page to complete the setup process.

- DID Number
Enter the DID number.
- DID Description
Enter a description of the DID.
- Select Source DID
Select the source DID you want to copy.
STEP 2. Configure the DID settings on the DID details page. When done, click on ‘Submit’ to save your changes.
Modify DID
Click on the icon to modify the DID.