Lead Filter Strategy

Define in which order you would like to dial your leads.

Lead Filter Strategies allow you to define in which order you would like to dial your leads. You can also limit dialing to certain leads that meet the given criteria.


  • image2019-6-10 11_3_19-png Associations:
Hover over the icon to view the campaigns using the strategy.
  • image2018-11-12 9_17_36-png Active:
The strategy is active. Click on the icon to deactivate the strategy.
  • image2018-11-12 9_19_29-png Inactive:
The strategy is inactive. Click on the icon to deactivate the strategy.
  • image2018-11-12 9_20_30-png View Activity Log:
Click the icon to view a summary of events. Learn More About the Activity Log
  • image2019-6-10 11_3_40-png-1 Modify:
Click on the icon to modify the lead filter strategy. Learn More About Modifying Lead Filter Strategy
  • image2019-6-10 11_4_5-png Delete:
Click the icon to delete the strategy. A confirmation screen will appear to confirm the deletion.

Create Lead Filter Strategy

Step 1. Click on the 'Create Lead Filter Strategy' button on the top right to create a new strategy. Complete the required fields in the pop-up window and click on 'Create' to proceed. You will see a confirmation once the Lead Filter Strategy has been created successfully and you will be redirected to the strategy details page to complete the setup process.

  • Lead Filter Strategy Name: Enter a unique name.
  • Lead Filter Strategy Description: Enter a description

Step 2. Configure the Lead Filter Strategy settings on the strategy details page. When done, click on ‘Submit’ to save your changes.

Lead Order Tab

The Lead Order Tab allows you to define a custom sort order for contacting your leads. You can sort your leads by one of the following methods: Phone Type, System Field, or Random. After you selected the sorting method, adjust your sorting requirements. When done, click on ‘Submit’ to save your changes.

Order by Phone Type

This option will sort leads based on their phone type. You can also choose which system fields to sort by ascending/descending order.

  • Phone Type:

Select one of the available phone types options to apply it as a sorting method.

  • System Fields:

You can define an additional sorting method using a system field. A system field you selected here will be prioritized when dialing leads.

  • Sort:

Select whether you want your leads to be sorted in ascending or descending order.


To adjust the order and prioritize one entry over the other, drag and drop the row.


  • image2018-11-12 9_17_36-png Active: The row is active. Click on the icon to deactivate.
  • image2018-11-12 9_19_29-png Inactive: The row is inactive. Click on the icon to activate.

Order by System Field

This option will sort leads based on the pre-defined system fields. You can also choose which system fields and phone types to sort by and ascending/descending order.

  • System Fields:
Select the system field from the drop-down menu to apply it as a sorting method.
  • Phone Type:
You can define an additional sorting method using a phone type. The phone type you selected here will be prioritized when dialing leads.
  • Sort:
Select whether you want your leads to be sorted in ascending or descending order.
  • Order:
To adjust the order and prioritize one entry over the other, drag and drop the row.
  • Actions:

  • image2019-7-23 13_3_39 Add: Click the icon to add a new entry.
  • image2019-7-23 13_3_23 Delete: Click the icon to delete an entry.


This option will dial leads randomly. No sorting method will be applied.

Lead Filter Tab

You can use the Lead Filter to target a specific group of leads. Only leads that meet the defined criteria will be dialed. In this tab, you can also determine the order for dialing a specific group of leads.

  • System Field:

Select the system field from the drop-down menu to apply it as a filter.

  • Operator:

Operators specify how the filter criteria relate to one another. Refer to this list of filter operators when setting filters on leads:

    • Equal: Use for an exact match.
    • Not equal: This shows results that don’t have the value you enter.
    • Greater than: Use when you want results that exceed the value you enter.
    • Greater than or equal: Use for results that match or exceed the value you enter.
    • Less than: Use for results that are less than the value you enter.
    • Less than or equal: Use for results that match or are less than the value you enter.

  • Value:

Enter the value you want to apply as a filter for the system field.

  • Order:

To adjust the order and prioritize one entry over the other, drag and drop the row.

  • Actions:

  • image2019-7-23 13_3_39 Add: Click the icon to add a new entry.
  • image2019-7-23 13_3_23 Delete: Click the icon to delete an entry.


  • Campaigns:

The campaigns that use the Lead Filter Strategy.

Modify Lead Filter Strategy

Click on to modify the Lead Filter Strategy. 

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