List Analysis Report
List Analysis Report breakdowns your leads in your lists based on their status, state, time zone, phone type, and carrier.
You can run this report before starting your campaigns to learn more about the background of your leads and design a unique way to target them based on the obtained information. We also recommend reviewing the List Analysis Report after running your campaigns to see how the statuses of the leads have changed.
The report highlights provide important insights based on your search criteria.
- Total Leads: The total number of leads.
- Total Accounts: The total number of unique accounts.
- Top State: State with the most leads.
- Top Status: The most prevalent lead status.
The following input fields are available to customize your report.
- Click this icon to generate the report.
- Click this icon to export the report in Excel, CSV, or PDF format.
- Campaign: Search by campaign.
- List: Search by list.
- X-Axis: Select a value on which the X-axis will be based.
- Y-Axis: Select a value on which the Y-axis will be based.
- Group by: Select how to group your values.
- Date Range: Click on the icon to select the desired date range. Click on 'Apply' to save the date range selected.
- Click on the icon to change the chart view.
- Click on the icon to export the graph in PDF format.
- List Status Summary
- Status Code: Status ID or code. Learn More About System Statuses
- Total Leads: The total number of leads per status.
- Leads (%): The percent distribution of leads among statuses.
- List State Stats
- Total Leads: The total number of leads per state.
- Leads (%): The percent distribution of leads among states.
- List Time Zone Stats
- Total Leads: The total number of leads per time zone.
- Leads (%): The percent distribution of leads among time zones.
- List Phone Type Stats
- Total Leads: The total number of leads per phone type.
- Leads (%): The percent distribution of leads among phone types.
- List Carrier Stats
- Carrier Name: Name of the lead's phone carrier.
- Total Leads: The total number of leads per carrier.
- Leads (%): The percent distribution of leads among carriers.
- List Flag Stats
- Status: Status of the flagged lead.
- Total Leads: The total number of flagged leads per status.
- Leads (%): The percent distribution of flagged leads among statuses.