General Settings

Before you begin to accept and process payments, you will first need to set up the general payment settings.

Under the General Settings, you need to indicate how you want to accept payments based on your business needs. You can choose to charge your customers a convenience fee and apply payment verification settings to validate a customer's credit card or bank account information instantly. You can also allow your customers to schedule payments and set your preferred means of communication.

Before you can configure any system payment settings, you need to add the Payment Gteway(s); without the gateway, you cannot switch the System Payments toggle to ON. Once the System Payments feature is enabled, you can customize the general settings as needed.

  • SSN Mapping

Enable this option if you would like your customers to use their SSN (Social Security Number) to locate their account.

    • Map SSN to: Select the system field where SSN values will be mapped.

  • Transaction Limit

Configure the custom transaction limit settings or disable this option to apply default values. By default, the system will not accept any payment less than $1 and greater than $100,000.

    • Off: Custom transaction limit is disabled.
    • Amount: Set a minimum and maximum payment limit per transaction.
    • Percent of Balance: Define the percent of the total balance that will serve as the minimum transaction limit.

  • Update Lead Status

Enable this option to update the lead status automatically once payment is made.

    • Status: Select the status you want to update the lead to once payment is made. Only statuses flagged with a 'Sale' flag can be selected.

  • Update Lead Balance

Enable this option to automatically update the customer's account balance when a successful payment transaction is made.


In this section, you can configure communication preferences to control who receives the SMS and/or email communication and how. 

  • Email Customer Receipt
Enable this option to automatically email your customers a payment receipt. This option will only work if there is an email address for the customer on the system records.
  • CC Company
Enable this option to receive a copy of the payment receipts sent to your customers. Emails will be sent to the company email address associated with the campaign where the customer account is assigned.
  • CC Lead Owner
Enable this option to automatically send a copy of payment transaction emails to the agent assigned as the lead owner.
  • CC User
Enable this option to automatically send a copy of payment transaction emails to the user who processed or scheduled the payment(s).
  • SMS Caller ID
Select an SMS-enabled DID that will be used for sending text message notifications. 

Please Note: You may assign only a toll-free number provided by DCDial as a Caller ID.

  • Email Daily Payment Report

Enable this option to receive a daily payment report summary. Emails will be sent to the email address of the company that is flagged as default under Company Branding.


Enable this option to add a convenience fee or handling charge to a transaction total. The fee can be added as a flat amount for each transaction or as a percentage of the transaction amount.

  • Fee Label
You can add a custom label for the convenience fee that will appear on a customer receipt and in the payment portal.
  • Credit Card Fee Type
You can add the convenience fee as a percentage or as a flat amount for each credit card transaction.
  • ACH Fee Type
You can add the convenience fee as a percentage or as a flat amount for each ACH transaction.
  • Percent
Enter the percentage of the transaction amount that will be added to the total.
  • Amount
Enter the flat amount that will be added to each transaction total.


DCDial instantly validates customer bank account or credit card information to prevent risk across all your payment channels. Payment verification reduces potential fraud and higher return rates right at the start.

  • Verify Credit Card
When enabled, allows the system to verify a customer's card by charging it $1. Once the card is verified, the funds go back to the customer's account.
  • Billing Address
Enable this option to show the billing address fields for credit card payments. Check the "Mandatory" box to make the billing information fields required when making a one-time payment or scheduling recurring payments.
  • Verify Bank Account
When enabled, allows the system to authenticate bank account ownership and verify real-time account balances by requiring customers to connect their checking or savings accounts using bank credentials before making a bank transfer payment.
  • Reconnect Notification
Enable to send a customer an automatic notification if a customer's bank credentials have changed and can no longer be authenticated, an automatic notice can be sent to the customer requesting that their credentials be updated if this option is enabled. When enabled, an automatic notice will be sent to the customer requesting them to update their information.
  • Allow Manual ACH
Enable this option to allow customers to enter their bank account and routing number manually without having to connect their account using their login credentials. If both "Verify Bank Account" and "Allow Manual ACH" is enabled, an "Add manual account" link will appear under the payment method at the payment details step.

  • Billing Address

Enable this option to show the billing information fields for ACH payments. Check the "Mandatory" box to make the billing information fields required when making a one-time payment or scheduling recurring payments.


This feature allows users to schedule payment(s) to be processed on a specified date. The settings configured in this section only apply to scheduled payments and will not impact live payments.

  • Billing Time
Determine the time when the scheduled credit card transaction will start processing (based on the date it is scheduled to run). All times are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
  • Exclude Holidays
Enable this option to prevent the system from scheduling payments on weekends and federal holidays.
  • Retry Attempts
The number of attempts the system can process a scheduled credit card payment if the first attempt results in a decline or an error. Choose the number of retry attempts from the drop-down menu.

Please note: The max number of retry attempts is five, and each attempt will run on consecutive days. The customer's scheduled payment will be disabled after the max number of attempts is reached. Contact your customer if this happens.

  • Verify Email Validity

Enable this option to verify the customer's email address is valid and can receive email communication.

  • Verify Mobile Validity

Enable this option to verify the customer's mobile number is valid and can receive SMS communication.

  • Payment Reminder

Enable this option to send automatic payment reminders to your customers.

  • Off: a customer will not receive any payment reminders.
  • Email: customers will receive payment reminders via email.
  • SMS: customers will receive payment reminders via text messages.
  • Both: customers will receive payment reminders via both email and text messages.

  • Preview

Click on the 'Preview' icon to preview the default email template or SMS template you selected.

  • Email Template
DCDial does not support custom emails. If you have selected 'Email' as your preferred channel for sending payment reminders, your customers will receive a default email template from DCDial.
  • SMS Template
Select the SMS template that will be used to remind the customer of their upcoming payment.
  • Send Reminder
Select the time when payment reminders are sent based on the payment transaction date. Add up to 3 reminders using 'Add Reminder'.
  • Failure Notification
Enable this option to send an automatic notification when a customer payment declines.

    • Email Template: Select the email template that will be used to notify the customer of their failed payment.
    • SMS Template: Select the SMS template that will be used to notify the customer of their failed payment.

  • ACH NSF Cancelation

If this option is enabled, the remaining scheduled payments will automatically be canceled whenever the payment within the schedule fails due to insufficient funds.

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