Virtual Collection

DCDial's Virtual Collector tool gives your customers the flexibility to access their accounts at any time and increases the consistency and efficiency of the debt collection process.

As a part of the virtual collection process, the budget calculator will help your customers to plan personal finances with income and expense breakdown. Use our budget calculator and let us create custom payment plans based on the customers' financial situation.

Create Offer Set

Step 1. Click on the ‘Create Offer Set’ button on the top right to create a new Offer Set. Complete the required fields in the pop-up window and click ‘Create’ to proceed. You will see a confirmation once the offer set has been created successfully and you will be redirected to the offer set details page to complete the setup process.

  • Offer Set Name:
Enter a unique name.
  • Offer Set Description:
Enter a brief description.

Step 2. Configure the Offer Set settings on the offer set details page. When done, click on ‘Submit’ to save your changes.

  • Conditions:
Define relevant criteria an account must meet for this offer set to be applicable.
  • Conditional Operator:
Select the 'AND' operator to ensure all conditions are met. Select the 'OR' operator to ensure at least one condition is met.
  • Add New Offer:
Add a customer offer or/and a budget calculator to your offer set.

Custom Offer

Create a custom offer and adjust the settings to make it relevant to your targeted group of customers. To delete the offer, click on the delete icon-1 icon.

  • Offer Headline:

Enter an offer headline text that will be displayed in the payment portal to your customers.

  • Offer Description:

Enter a brief description to inform your customers about the details of the offer.

  • Settlement Offer:

Incentivize your customers to resolve their outstanding balance by providing a discount through a fixed amount or a percentage of their balance.

    • Amount: Enter the desired amount that will be discounted from the customer's balance.
    • Percent: Select a percentage discount that will be applied to the customer's balance.

  • Payment Frequency:

Decide whether customers should pay with one upfront payment or schedule payments.

    • Real-time: Customers will have to make a one-time upfront payment.
    • Scheduled: Select how often the payments will be made.
  • No. of Transactions:
Select the total number of payment transactions for the scheduled payments.
  • Frequency:
Select the time frequency that transactions will be processed for scheduled payments.

Budget Calculator

Allow customers to manage their ability to repay their balance by using their self-reported income and expenses to automatically calculate a suitable payment offer. To delete the offer, click on the delete icon-1 icon.

  • Budget Calculator Headline:
Customize the offer headline text that will be displayed in the payment portal to your customers.
  • Budget Calculator Description:
Enter a brief description to inform your customers about the details of the budget calculator.
  • Allow Change:
Allow customers to change payment schedule details such as start date, number of transactions, and frequency.

Monthly Installment

With the monthly installment offer type, customers can determine the monthly payment amount required to pay off any outstanding balance.

  • Offer Headline:

Enter an offer headline text that will be displayed in the payment portal to your customers.

  • Offer Description:
Enter a brief description to inform your customers about the details of the offer.
  • Duration Limit (Months):
Select the system field which contains the maximum number of months the customer can select.
  • Discount Limit:
Select the maximum discount percentage that may be applied to the customer's balance.
  • Discount Percentage Formula:
Enter a formula for calculating the offer discount.

Discount Calculator

Use the discount calculator to find out exactly what the discount percentage for a specific account will be. To calculate the discount percentage, enter the customer's account ID and the number of months.

Copy Offer Set

Copying an existing offer set is a quick and easy way to create a similar offer without starting from scratch. The 'Copy Offer Set' feature allows you to copy settings from an existing offer set and modify them as needed.

Step 1. Click on the 'Copy Offer Set' button on the top right. Complete the required fields in the pop-up window and click on 'Create' to proceed. You will see a confirmation once the offer set has been copied successfully and redirected to the offer set details page. 

  • Offer Set Name:
Enter a unique name.
  • Offer Set Description:
Enter a brief description.
  • Select Offer Set:
Select the source offer set you want to copy from.

Step 2. Configure the Offer Set settings on the offer set details page. When done, click on ‘Submit’ to save your changes.

Modify Offer Set

Click on modify icon to modify the Offer Set.

Virtual Collector

With the Virtual Collector tool, your debtors can not only repay their outstanding balance in no time but also receive a discount on the amount due if their account matches the settlement offer criteria.

Step 1. Debtors will be able to select the offer to resolve their accounts. 

Please Note: Debtors can skip the virtual collector step only if the 'Allow Skip Offer' setting is ON.

Step 2. Debtors will need to enter the payment amount and select their preferred payment method. The offer details will be displayed at the top. Debtors cannot modify the terms of the settlement offer since the discount is applied to their balance automatically. Debtors will click 'Next' to proceed.

For detailed instructions on how to make payments using the Virtual Collector, please refer to internal portal payments.

Budget Calculator

The budget calculator option will give your customers a clear view of their monthly finances and help them pay off the outstanding debt according to their financial abilities. Use the budget calculator tool to create custom payment plans based on the customers' financial situation.

Step 1. Click on the drop-down icon and enter your monthly income and expenses for each category that applies to you. Add additional fields by clicking 'Add more items'. When done, click 'Next' to proceed. Click on the drop-down icon and enter your monthly income and expenses for each category that applies to you. Add additional fields by clicking 'Add more items'. When done, click 'Next' to proceed.

Step 2. Verify the entered information and edit your monthly income or expenses as needed. The customer settlement offer will appear under the chart. Click 'Proceed to Payment'. 

Step 3. Review the payment details and select the payment method. You cannot modify the scheduled payment terms since the offer is calculated automatically. Click 'Next' to proceed.

Step 4. Carefully check the payment information and click 'Confirm'.

You will see a confirmation window if your payment has been scheduled successfully. 

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