Number of retries for failed payment

A number of attempts the system can process a scheduled credit card payment if the first attempt results in a decline or an error.

Once a payment plan is set up by an agent, the system will attempt to charge the customer based on the defined payment schedule. Unless the payment plan is canceled, the system will continue charging the account.

There is an option to set up a number of attempts the system can process a scheduled credit card payment if the first attempt results in a decline or an error.

To activate “Retry Attempts” option, please navigate to Administration → Payment → General Settings → Payment Scheduling section → Retry Attempts and choose the number of retry attempts from the “Retry Count” drop-down menu. 

Please note: The maximum number of retry attempts is 5, and each attempt will run on consecutive days. The customer’s scheduled payment will be disabled after the maximum number of attempts is reached. Contact your customer if this happens. 

If the payment is failed and “Retry Attempts” option is activated in the settings, the system will automatically retry to process the payment the next day. Retry payments are not reported separately since they are connected with the original failed transaction. 

Retried payments report

To check the information about the number of retried payments, please navigate to the Processed Payments report (Reports → Customer Payments → Processed Payments), find the needed transaction, hover over the “Actions” menu, and click on the “Activity Log” icon. In the pop-up window, you will see the summary of events.

Once a retry payment succeeds, the original payment will be updated from failed to succeeded status.

In order to see all the payments that will be retried, please navigate to the Post Dated Payments report (Reports → Customer Payments → Post Dated Payments) and you will see a red escalation icon next to these payments. 

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